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Customers' reviews and testimonials - Travel impressions 

On their return from their trip to India, some of our customers shared their stories and impressions with us. In agreement with them, we publish their reviews and testimonials below. 

Others have preferred to recommend our services directly to their acquaintances. This is how we have built our clientele and our reputation, thanks to those who have placed their trust in us, on one or more occasions, by discovering India during one or more trips.

If you would like to contact one of them, please send us a request specifying their name and the date of their trip. We will then send you their email address after having received their agreement.

Temoignages client Flo Travels

"A big thank you to Flo Travels, who put together a tailor-made trip for us, perfectly meeting our expectations. The team knows India very well, and is always very helpful and available.  We highly recommend them!"


Anne Marie & Dominique

Rajasthan, Central India & Varanasi | 15 days, February 2024

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